


お昼のお料理 睦月 Lunch Menu January

Shimogamogozen 8,800yen (Weekday limited quantity)

 下鴨御膳 8,800円(平日数量限定)


Appetizer/Tilefish and Grated Turnip with Starchy Dashi Sauce


Soup/Japanese Clear Soup with Hanabira-Mochi (mochi with burdock and carrot),

          Duck Meat Ball, and Yuzu

椀物/花びら餅 鴨摘みれ 柚子

Sashimi/Flatfish and Striped Jack

造里/鮃 縞鰺

Assorted/Sesame Tofu, Dried Persimmon with Cream Cheese,

                Carrot Cake, Pumpkin Paste and Black Beans,

                Chinese Lettuce Stem Seasoned with Miso, 

                Lily Bulb, and Salmon Rolled in Fish Paste

口取り/胡麻とうふ 干柿チーズ 京人参厚焼き

            黒豆茶巾 萵苣董味噌漬け 百合根 小川巻き

Simmered/Simmered Koya Tofu (freeze-dried tofu), Ebi-imo (taro), Japanese Celery,

                  Shrimp, Horikawa Burdock, and Flower Shaped Wheat Gulten 

煮物/高野豆腐 海老芋 芹 海老 堀川牛蒡 梅麩

Grilled/Grilled Buri (yellowtail) and Grated Radish with Pickled Cucumber, Kumquat

焼物/鰤塩焼き 柴漬け卸し 金柑

Vinegared/Crab, Herring Roe, Rapeseed with Dashi Jelly

酢物/蟹 数の子 菜種 土佐酢ジュレ

Rice/Steamed White Rice, Pickles, and Miso SoupKomb Frikake (Condiment for Rice)

         Selected Rice ( Koshihikari Rice from Tango, Kyoto Prefecture )

食事/白御飯釜炊き 留椀 香物 昆布ふりかけ


Dessert/Amazake (rice fermented by Koji) Pudding



 Fukuzen 14,300yen

 福膳 14,300円


Appetizer/Simmered Ebi-imo (Japanese Taro) with Starchy Crab Sauce

先附/海老芋 蟹餡掛け

Soup/Japanese Clear Soup with Hanabira-Mochi (mochi with burdock and carrot),

    Duck Meat Ball, and Yuzu

椀物/花びら餅 鴨摘みれ 柚子

Sashimi/Yellowtail and Flatfish

向附/鰤 鮃

Assorted/Akagai (arkshell) and Kujo Green Onion with Mustard Miso,

      Jellied Blowfish, Sesame Tofu, 

                Shrimp Covered with Sea Urchin Flakes, 

                Dried Persimmon with Cream Cheese, and Carrot Cake

八寸/赤貝ぬた和え 河豚煮凝り 胡麻豆腐

         海老雲丹香煎 干柿鳴門 八幡巻き 京人参厚焼き

Simmered/Tilefish and Grated Turnip with Starchy Dashi Sauce


Grilled/Grilled Yellowtail, and Rapeseed Dressed with Mustard

焼物/鰤幽庵焼き 菜種芥子和え

Vinegared/Pickled Turnip, Mackerel Seasoned with Komb, and Salmon Roe

酢物/千枚蕪 〆鯖 いくら

Rice/Mixed Rice with Lily Bulb with Japanese Plum Sauce and Sea Bream Flakes 

         Pickled Vegetables, and Miso Soup

         Selected rice ( Koshihikari rice from Tango, Kyoto Prefecture )

食事/鯛そぼろ 百合根 釜炊き御飯  留椀 香物


Dessert/Strawberry, Orange, and Black Bean

水物/苺 蜜柑 黒豆

Sweets/Macha Ganache




※All prices are including service charge.


※Depens on the day of food supply, the menu would be change.

   Thank you for your understanding.
