


お昼のお料理 霜月 Lunch Menu November

 Shimogamogozen 8,800yen (Weekday limited quantity)

 下鴨御膳 8,800円(平日数量限定)


Appetizer/Soft Baked Sesame Tofu


Soup/Japanese Clear Soup with Crab Fishball White Radish, Spinach, Carrot, Yuzu 

椀物/蟹真丈 薄氷大根 蓮草 紅葉人参 柚子

Sashimi/Sea Bream and Squid

造里/鯛 烏賊

Assorted/Tofu Skin with Starchy Dashi Sauce,

      Shrimp with Unrefined Sake Sauce,

                Kyoto Local Chestnuts and Shimeji Mushroom,

                Red Konjac, Sushi (Kamasu), Ginkgo Nuts

口取り/湯葉鼈甲餡掛け 海老諸味丹波栗 湿地

    近江蒟蒻 魳棒寿司 銀杏

Simmered/Simmered Duck Meat in Jibuni Style Wheat Gulten,

      Lotus Roots, Mushrooms, Green Onion

煮物/鴨治部煮 粟麩 蓮根 椎茸 九条葱

Grilled/Grilled Buri (Yellowtail) in Yuan Style


Vinegared/Salmon and Salmon Roe with Grated Radish

酢物/鮭 いくら 霙酢

Rice /Steamed White Rice, Pickles, and Miso Soup

    Komb Frikake (Condiment for Rice)

          Selected Rice ( Koshihikari Rice from Tango, Kyoto Prefecture )

食事/白御飯釜炊き 留椀 香物 昆布ふりかけ

Desserts/Japanese Persimmon Pudding Sweet Red Beans, Rice Cake,

     and Kinako Ice Cream

水物/柿ぷりん 白玉小豆 黄粉アイス




 Fukuzen 14,300yen

 福膳 14,300円


Appetizer/Steamed Tofu and Egg White

先附/南禅寺蒸し 鼈甲餡

Soup/Japanese Clear Soup with Crab Fishball,Mushroom, Yuzu 

椀物/蟹真丈 丹波しめじ 柚子

Sashimi/Autumn Sea Bream, Yellowtail, and Squid

向附/紅葉鯛 鰤 烏賊

Simmered/Griled Spanish Mackerel, Purple Sweet Potato, Myoga,

      Wheat Gulten and Chrysanthemum Leaves Dressed with Walnuts,

      Carrot Cake, Shrimp Yolk Sushi, 

      Trout Rolled in White Radish and Pureed Persimmon,

      Fried Lotus Root, Burdock

焼八寸/鰆味噌漬け あけび芋 茗荷

    菊菜胡桃和え 人参厚焼き 海老黄身寿司

    鱒砧巻き 柿酢 蓮根煎餅 黒牛蒡

Simmered /Simmered Japanese Radish, Duck Meatball,and Japanese Spinach

鉢物/丸大根 鴨つみれ 京しろ菜

Vinegared /Conger Eel and Matsutake Mushroom with Sweet Vinegar Sauce, Salmon Roe

酢物/鱧 松茸 いくら霙酢

Rice/Mixed Rice with Yellowtail and Gingko Nuts, Pickles, and Miso Soup

   Selected rice ( Koshihikari rice from Tango, Kyoto Prefecture )

食事/鰤 銀杏 炊き込み御飯  留椀 香物


Desserts/Pear, Grape, and Muscat

水物/洋梨 巨峰 マスカット

Sweets/Apple and Sweet Potato Yokan

甘味/林檎 芋羊羹



※All prices are including service charge.


※Depens on the day of food supply, the menu would be change.

   Thank you for your understanding.
